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Everyone Belongs


Welcome to St. Patrick’s. We are an Anglican church, situated in the heritage town of Dalkey in South County Dublin.

If at some stage in the future you come and visit us, you’ll meet a warm, open and friendly group of people, all at different points in their faith journey. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.

If you’d like to be part of such a parish you’d be very welcome.


The parish hall will be open all next week for donations and we are looking for the following: 

- Toys and Games (must be in good condition please)
- Bric A  Brac (no large electronics)
- Children's Clothes & Nursery (no car seats)
- Adult clothes
- Plants
- Books (Adults' & Children's)
- Unwanted Gifts
- Bottles (from a bottle of soap/ ketchup to a bottle of whisky and anything in between - our bottle stall is looking for any donations - box in school foyer)
- Cakes & Deli (please start baking - sweet or savoury - we need your help - donations can be dropped Friday or on the day)

When dropping off please leave donations neatly in their designated area and we would ask that no children are allowed in the hall unsupervised at any stage.

Raffle tickets can be purchased here -  we have a huge amount of super prizes.

And don't forget the Dog Show -  with lots of exciting categories - get your family pups ready and book them in  here:

We are very grateful to the school PTA who will be running all the games, including the inflatable obstacle course, Splashdown, Junior Archery, face painting and much more. Games wristbands are now on sale offering you a discount (6 goes for the price of 5 on pre-purchased wristbands)

Lastly - we are looking for help on Friday 10th May to empty the hall and set up stalls etc. Please contact Ali on 085 158 3733 if you could possibly help us on Friday 10th May.

We look forward to seeing you on May 11th and thank you in advance for your support and help.


St. Patrick's Church, Harbour Rd, Dalkey, Co. Dublin, A96 HA24, Ireland

(01) 284 5941

Kids in Church
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